Welcome to New Flight Books - Publisher of the Improbable

Here you can find written and illustrated works by Lisa Bracken - naturalist, spiritualist, author, artist and poet

including The Path and Circles in the Sand - both available on Amazon as digital downloads

If you are prepared to believe in a broader reality… one that begins within, please visit this space again soon as it is currently undergoing development.

Thanks - Lisa, 02.15.2025

Our world is changing before us in ways none of us have experienced before.

Here you can find ways to navigate these daunting changes.

Together, we can rise to every new challenge.

Together we can envision and manifest our awaiting future.

Together we can embrace tomorrow’s greatest opportunities.

Together we rise…


Where Wild Waters Flow

I, aside the quiet beaver, rambling bear and timid doe

Within, a mountain’s windblown song where wild waters flow

From craggy peaks and narrow channels comes the river that I know

Within me rests her deep and quiet, shallow riffles, rapids bold

I and river ever onward, where her wild waters flow

Across the warm and stormy sky to the depths of oceans cold

Each and always ever one, where her wild waters flow


Threading valleys ever… changing

Shuffling spruce… aspen… quaking

… Lovely bee and butterfly

Colors of her earth and stone

Colors of her sky

Wild river, Crystal River

Borne to wander

Borne to fly

© Lisa Bracken 2025